Greenwash, Guerilla Projection, Guerrilla Projection

Do What I Say, Not What I Do

As 2015 slipped into 2016, Feral X began looking for new opportunities for projections and we didn’t have to wait long! Whilst the Fourth Estate incorporates multiple examples of individuals and companies propping up the fossil fuel industry, sometimes it is those that you least expect that can surprise you the most.

Incorporating some of the best of environmental journalism available and having launched their Keep It In The Ground campaign in 2015, The Guardian has been a significant partner in the fight against climate change, instigating campaigns with 350 to encourage the Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation and the Wellcome Trust to divest from fossil fuels, whilst divesting their own commercial board from coal, oil and gas.

Yet, whilst campaigning for others to divest from fossil fuels, when it comes to advertising, the Guardian is more than happy to take the fossil fuel industries, less than carbon friendly, money. Through providing an avenue for these industries to promote a veneer of acceptability, the Guardian undermines its own good actions whilst facilitating an acceptability of fossil fuel companies continued exploration and extraction of fossil fuels against a backdrop of continuing breaking global climate temperature records.

In this instance, Shell was sponsoring the Shell and Working Mums partner zone within the Guardians Women in Leadership section.


Feral X, in response, paid a visit to the Guardian’s London offices with the following message.

