Climate Change, Feral X, Guerilla Projection, Guerrilla Projection, Heathrow Expansion, No New Runways


In January 2016, the Heathrow 13 had been found guilty of aggravated trespass and entering a security restricted area of an aerodrome (the north runway at Heathrow airport) resulting in the cancellation of 25 flight, in an action responding to the contribution that the airport made to life-threatening climate change and in opposition to future airport expansion.

Due to be sentenced  at the end of February, with a strong possibility that they would receive custodial sentences, Feral X projected this video, onto the House of Parliament and the BBC’s Broadcasting House as a sign of support.


Climate Change, Guerilla Projection, Guerrilla Projection

The C words






Climate Change. The C words. The concept of climate change is all too often relegated to a brief mention unless there is an international conference or extreme weather event and even then, it is limited to factual reporting of the event.

Too often the media fails to join the dots, delve into the causes, consequences and solutions and instead relegates climate change to a concept. Something that can be pushed to one side like a tin of beans at the back of a cupboard and ignored.

Feral X at the beginning of February responded to this failure at the BBC with a visit to Broadcasting House to project our message across the BBC’s London head quarters.
